About Te Whare Taumarutanga

– The Overarching Shelter

E te tī
E te tā
E rarau nei
Nei rā te mihi atu ki a tātau
He puna waiora, he puna oranga, he puna whaikaha, mauri tū ki a tātau katoa

The Overarching Shelter

0800 494 428

The iwi of Ngāti Hāua, Ngāti Tūwharetoa and Ngāti Maniapoto have united to establish a collective response for the community of Taumarunui to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Te Taumarutanga provides information for Covid-19 testing and vaccination. It forms the Iwi response for holistic care in preparation for Covid + cases to ensure that our whānau get the support and ongoing care they need to fight this pandemic.

The response has been jointly created by Maxine Ketu, Ngāti Hāua; Channey Iwikau, Ngāti Tūwharetoa; Arthur Tane, Ngāti Maniapoto through hui with whānau, hapū and Iwi within the catchment of Taumarunui.

Te Whare Taumarutanga – The Overarching Shelter – is the underpinning framework created by Rangi-Te-Pō Whatarangi and Piki Taiaroa which puts Māori at the heart of Taumarunui’s Covid-19 response narrative. It also acknowledges the history of the three Iwi and responds to their needs through aroha and manaakitanga.